Ethel’s work in Camouflage

Lady Monkswell's diary: Saturday 5th January A steeple-chase walk with Mr Kit. got over stream below Knoll Farm, saw plovers, head their cry.

Ethel [my niece] to lunch. We talk of war conditions and her own work in Navy camouflage.

At Shipness [in Scotland] she plants and tends the garden and drives and cleans the car. One day they saw ten great liners, filled with Americans, go past between them and Arran - other great ships are constantly going by. Frances to tea and Mr Kit. Cosmo nearly as worn out as Robert. Pretty sure he is not to be sent abroad.

Tuesday 8th January Very cold, brilliant, a little snow. Two fine walks with Eric, Robert and Lorna. To Dr Jephson’s lecture and photos of Egypt. I saw again the Valley of Kings, that splendid day in February 1908 with Bob in the sun wearing his helmet.

Thursday 10th January Game of Hide and Seek with little Lorna - she a little frightened. “Dadda take me”. Most pretty and delighted. Not much hiding. Delighted also with skipping. I jumped over the rope holding up my dress so she did the same, so funny and pretty.

Thursday Jan 17th U-boat toll only eight. First snow drop. Mrs Russell came and we had a pleasant game of bridge.


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Voices from 1918 has been developed by artists Sharon Hayden and Alastair Nisbet in partnership with Wimborne Community Theatre, Dorset History Centre and the Priest’s House Museum, Wimborne with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

Thanks to all who have helped us with this project: Maria Gayton and staff at Dorset History Centre where we found Lady Mary Monkswell’s diaries; Joan Cocozza, ward of nursing auxiliary Olive Harcourt; Portland Museum where we found James Sansom’s diaries; the British Library and Wellcome Libraries; Priest’s House Museum in Wimborne and Gill Horitz from Wimborne Community Theatre.

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