One to one therapy

Counselling and psychotherapy is a way to engage with things going on in our lives that can feel out of control, cause us anxiety and stress

Online or in person

Talking and sharing with a therapist can make us feel listened to, understood and ultimately have a happier outlook.

Getting over losing a loved one can take a long time and during that time the support of a therapist can be fundamental to healing.

I am Sharon Hayden a psychotherapist, counsellor, mental health mentor and Arts therapist, based in Upwey, Weymouth. I qualified in 2009 as a Dramatherapist and over the past 15 years have developed work in a variety of areas.

Young people with Autism or ADHD

It can be an incredibly difficult time when young people leave home, go to university, and have to manage all that entails, especially if they have Autism or ADHD.

I specialise in working with students with a diagnosis of Autism or ADHD, or with a mental health diagnosis such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or a personality disorder.

I mainly work remotely, online using WhatsApp, FaceTime or Google Meet. I also work one to one at Weymouth College, with Foundation Degree students.

Registration and Fees

I am a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered Arts Therapist and an accredited provider of Mental Health Mentoring and Study Skills with the DSA. I am DBS checked and registered with Information Commission Office for GDPR I abide by their guidelines to keep your data secure.

Fees: £50 online one hour session £60 in person £60 DSA for Student Finance England

Contact me to discuss an appointment

Email me using form below for an informal discussion on how therapy may be able to help

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Let us know how we can help you